Thursday, January 29, 2009

You were right, I was wrong

I spend a lot of time in the car. I have a 40 minute drive to work and then another hour drive from there to school. I get very bored with the radio and find it super relaxing to listen to audiobooks. I'm a big fan of chick lit and the girls on the Nest Book Club board tried for months to convince me to "read" the Twilight series. I'm not a science fiction person and figured I'd have no interest in books about vampires. For months I "listened" to everyone talk about how great they were and how in love they were with Edward. Not since New Kids on the Block had I seen grown women with posters on their virtual wall. It got to the point where there was nothing being discussed on the board but Twilight. So, I finally decided to add it to my request list at the library. Quite some time passed as I waited for the 40+ people ahead of me to be done with it. I had pretty much forgotten about it when I got the library notification that it was ready, I was intrigued. Here is the part where I admit you were right, I was wrong. Not only did I love it, but it is the best book I've "read" in a long time. I just started New Moon and cannot wait to find out what happens. However, I'm not going to be buying any I heart Edward t-shirts anytime soon. This is where I draw the line.

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