Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Update: Megan

We've been thinking about Megan all weekend and even though we said last week that we were at our max with our first offer, we reconsidered and decided to counter. We just didn't want to lose the house over an extra $50 per month on our mortgage payment. We found out they received another offer this morning. So, I expect that the sellers are reviewing both offers as we "speak" and I'm hoping they make a decision quickly. We are still $5000 lower than they want for the house, but this is our best and final offer. If we lose it, then at least we know we did everything we could to get the house. We'll definitely have to make some sacrifices because we are upping our offer. We'll just have to live with the furniture we have now and deal with an unfurnished room in the basement and perhaps an empty eat-in-kitchen for a while...and why not, we'll already have one empty bedroom. Thankfully, we already have a dining room set. We also may not be able to replace all of the carpet we wanted to all at once. We may have to stick with just the master bedroom, which needs it the most. So, please cross your fingers (and toes if possible) for us and I'll keep you updated.

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