Sunday, March 1, 2009

Everything is moving along!

We had our home inspection last Tuesday and everything went well. There were only minor issues - leak in master bath (seller agreed to fix), rotted post on porch and a few tree limbs touching the roof that need to be trimmed. The inspector couldn't get up on the roof because it was covered with ice. But, he was able to get into the attic and mentioned that there were no leaks.

We locked in our mortgage rate on Wednesday. We're doing a no PMI mortgage, which is nice. The house was appraised on Friday and it came in just above the selling price. We also made our second deposit on Friday. I think that was probably the biggest check I've ever written. We are scheduled to close on March 26.

We've been quite busy searching for the perfect appliances at the best price, trying to figure out what colors to paint each room and getting estimates for painting and carpet. It's a little hard without being able to get into the house. But, we want to have a rough idea of how much everything we'd like to do is so we can make decisions on what to do now and what can wait.

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